Easy-defrost Fish Package AWARD_Red Dot Design Award:2016 Best of the best Designer_Chia-Yi Kao (Jieni Kao), Yan-Ting Chen, Pin-ju Chen 冷凍魚塊是現在食用魚的常見模式,而解凍一直是料理前的大問題,快速解凍魚塊料理組是讓人在提回家時便能快速解凍的包裝。利用超高導熱石墨片,運用石墨片能夠快速導熱的原理,傳導手部及外界環境溫度的熱能,讓溫度平衡,達到解凍的效果。這個寶裝讓人可以減少等待退冰的時間,以自然解凍的方式為食魚肉的鮮美,讓使用者能快速吃到新鮮的魚。造型方面,運用半浮雕方式呈現魚塊的不同型態,搭配轉化自不同種類魚鱗的圖騰,讓消費者能夠明瞭的選購不同型態的魚塊。 Waiting for defrosting frozen fish has always been tricky. Easy-defrost fish package reduces the waiting time for fish to get defrosted. Graphite Sheet, with its high thermal conductivity, speeds up defrosting with the heat from hands and room temperature. It can reduce two-thirds of defrosting time in total. This packaging allows your fish to be defrosted on your way home from shopping. We adopt the semi-relief skill to present the shapes of different sliced types, and decorate them with Graphite Sheet in the patterns which are in accordance with fish scales. This design helps consumers choose the product they want easily.