Client_Guppy Inclusive 孔雀魚普惠科技 Type_Packaging Design Designer_Jieni Kao Photographer_mouth.i Year_2020 友善土地農產禮盒包裝設計 孔雀魚普惠科技(GUPPY INCLUSIVE)在台灣的農民、原住民、偏鄉住民中,尋找有能力的個人或團隊,成就他們的事業。並應用科技與創意,攜手企業實踐社會責任,讓土地健康、農村永續。這次推出的孔雀魚.古比友善土地農產禮盒,皆嚴選自台灣農民、原住民、偏鄉住民所生產的健康食材,包含:南投名間鄉有機薑片、火龍果乾、鳳梨果乾;南投賽德克族松林老部落椴木香菇;花蓮赤科山有機小油菊與洛神花;台東長濱南溪部落香水蓮花;花蓮六十石山阿美族達蘭埠部落無硫金針。外盒擷取大地與各大食材的型態,並以童趣的插畫風格貫穿。內部包裝則以不同色系代表各個食材的特性。整體乘載了台灣在地食材樸質又獨特的質感。 Packaging design for farm products GUPPY INCLUSIVE invites Taiwan’s farmers, Aborigines and residents in the rural areas to help realize its company goals. With technology and creativity, it exercises social responsibility through sustainable and innovative methods. This gift set by GUPPY INCLUSIVE contains carefully selected farm products. They include (1) dried organic ginger, dragon fruit and pineapple slices from Mingjian Township, Nantou County, (2) dried shiitake mushroom from Tribe Alang Pulan, The Seediq, Nantou County, (3) dried organic chrysanthemum and roselle from Mountain Chike in Yuli Township, Hualien County, (4) dried lotus from Tribe Kusahala in Changbin Township, Taitung County, and (5) dried orange daylily from Mountain Talampo in Tribe Talampo, the Amis, Hualien County. The packaging is designed based on the features of these farm products and is presented with childlike illustrations. The color of the inner packaging is selected corresponding to the features of each farm product. Overall, this packaging encapsulates the uniqueness and essence of Taiwan’s local farm products.